


Fire-fighting Drill(engine room)

1430  釋放機艙失火警報,并全船廣播機艙失火,啟動消防泵,準備好大型CO2的釋放,懸掛CB6旗。

1432 全體人員攜帶相關設備集合于船尾甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,探火員著裝,皮龍接妥并出水,檢查著裝,點名正常。

1434 切斷通風,關閉機艙所有通風道門、天窗、防火門,探火員著裝完畢,進行探火,皮龍掩護。

1438 探火員報告鍋爐附近油管破裂起火,火勢太大,手提滅火器無法撲滅。通知機艙人員撤離,切斷油路電路。

1441 所有人員到齊,釋放大型CO2,做好放艇準備工作,應急發(fā)電機及應急消防泵啟動。   

1450 機艙壁溫度明顯下降,探火員二次探火。

1454 探火員報火已撲滅,無復燃可能,打開機艙自然通風,固定救生艇。

1500 測氧氧氣含量21% ,恢復油電路及機械通風,清理火場。1506 現(xiàn)場講評。

1510 解除警報,演習結束。


1430 Sounded the alarm of firefighting and broadcasted, captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,started the fire pump.

1432 All crew mustered on A-deck with toolsand portable extinguishers. Two hose spurted out water to cool around, removedthe flammability and closed doors and ventilations .tested the communicationsystem normal. Two firemen started to put on outfits. 

1434 Firemen detected the fire with portableextinguisher, the hose cover.

1438 Firemen reported the pipe of the boilerwas on fire, it could not be off by the portable extinguisher. Noticed the dutyin the E/R to retreat, shut down power & oil supply, prepared the CO2system. 

1441 The duty in the E/R arrived with EEBD, callingnormal, released the CO2 to the E/R. prepared the lifeboat .started the emergencygenerator and fire pump normal.

1450 The temperature of the outerwall on the E/R obvious lowered, the firemen detected again.

1454 Firemen reported the fire was off and impossibleburned again, opened the doors and vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1500 Firemen measured out the O2about 20.8%, resumed power & oil supply, cleaned up the spot.

1506 Reviewed.

1510 Dismissed the alarm, finishthe drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (Galley)

1500 釋放生活區(qū)失火警報,同時全船廣播廚房失火,啟動消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全體人員攜帶消防器材集合于左救生甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,探火員著裝,皮龍接妥并出水,檢查著裝,點名正常,切斷廚房所有通風、電源,關閉門窗。

1504 探火員著裝完畢,廚房煙霧太大無法進入,帶手提滅火器進行探火,皮龍掩護。發(fā)現(xiàn)大廚受傷被困,救出,救助隊救助。

1507  探火員再次探火,準備救生艇。

1510  廚房電路板起火,火勢不大,用手提滅火器撲滅,無復燃可能。

1515  打開門窗進行自然通風,固定救生艇。 

1520  墻壁溫度明顯下降,探火員測氧氣含量20.8% ,恢復機械通風,清理火場。                    

1525 現(xiàn)場講評

1528 解除警報,演習結束。

1500 Sounded thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6, startedthe fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools andportable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put on outfits, water dischargedto cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire proof  doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply,tested the communication system normal.   

1504 Fireman detectedthe fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover, found the cooker injuredand took him off. First-aid team saved.

1507 Firemandetected again, prepared the lifeboat.

1510 Firemen reportedthe stove was on fire, the fire was off by the portable extinguisher andimpossible burned again.  

1515Resumedpower supply, opened doors and ventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1520 Firemenmeasured out the O2 about 20.8%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.


1528Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.



Fire-fighting Drill(PAINT ROOM)

1400 釋放船首失火警報,同時全船廣播廚房失火,啟動消防泵,升CB6旗。

1402 全體人員攜帶消防器材集合于右主甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,探火員著裝,皮龍接妥并出水,檢查著裝,點名正常,切斷油漆間所有通風、電源,關閉門窗。

1404 探火員著裝完畢,油漆間煙霧太大無法進入,進行探火,皮龍掩護。

1408  油漆間油漆起火,火勢太大,用手提滅火器無法撲滅,準備好大型CO2滅火。

1410  釋放大型CO2,準備救生艇。 

1415  廚房墻壁溫度明顯下降,探火員再次探火。

1418  探火員報火已撲滅,無復燃可能,打開機艙自然通風,固定救生艇。

1423 測氧氧氣含量20.5% ,清理火場。  


1425 現(xiàn)場講評

1427 解除警報,演習結束。

1400 Sounded thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted. Captain on bridge, started the firepump, hoisted the flag CB6.

1402 Crew mustered onstarboard deck of NO.1 hold with tools and portable extinguishers, Two firemen startedto put on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammabilityand closed fire proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested thecommunication system normal.

1404 Fireman detectedthe fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover.

1408 Fireman reported that the paint was onfair, it was out of control, prepared the CO2system. 

1410 Releasedthe CO2 to the paint room, prepared the lifeboat.

1415 Thetemperature of outer wall obvious lowered, firemen detected again.

1418 Fireman reported that the fire has beenoff and impossible burned again, opened the doors and vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1423 Firemenmeasured out the O2 about 20.5%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1425 Reviewed

1427Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (laundry room)

1500 釋放生活區(qū)失火警報,同時全船廣播B甲板洗衣間失火,啟動消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全體人員攜帶消防器材集合于左救生甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,探火員著裝,皮龍接妥并出水,檢查著裝,點名正常,切斷洗衣間所有通風、電源,關閉門窗。

1504 探火員著裝完畢,洗衣間煙霧太大無法進入,帶手皮龍進行探火,另一皮龍掩護,準備救生艇。

1507  洗衣間衣服起火,已用皮龍撲滅,無復燃可能。

1512  打開門窗進行自然通風,固定救生艇。 

1516  墻壁溫度明顯下降,探火員測氧氣含量20.8% ,恢復機械通風,清理火場。                    

1518 現(xiàn)場講評

1520 解除警報,演習結束。

1500 Sounded thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted that the laundry was on fire on B-deck. Captainon bridge, hoisted the flag CB6, started the fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools andportable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put on outfits, water dischargedto cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire proof  doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply,tested the communication system normal.   

1504 Fireman detectedand put out the fire with water, prepared the lifeboat.

1507 Thecloth was on fire, the fire was off by water and impossible burned again.

1512 Opened doors andventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1516 The temperatureof the outer wall obvious lowered, firemen measured out the O2 about 20.5%,resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1518 Reviewed.

1520 Dismissedthe alarm, finish the drill.




1520 值班人員發(fā)現(xiàn)應急消防泵間漏油,關掉相關的油閥和泵,并立即報告。

1522 釋放溢油警報,并全船廣播,船長上駕駛臺。

1524 全體人員攜清油器材集合于NO5艙左甲板,隨艇下人員集合于NO1救生艇,并做好放艇準備工作。堵塞甲板泄水孔。

1526 經(jīng)查發(fā)現(xiàn)應急消防泵間一個油桶破裂漏油,油量不多,未流入海,立即回收溢油,更換破損的油桶,固定救生艇。

1532 溢油回收完畢,用洗衣粉清潔甲板及泵間。

1537 現(xiàn)場講評,恢復正常航行。


1520 Duty person found the pipe after NO.3hold was leaking, shut off relevant valves and the pump on main deck, reported.(the pump room for the hatch cover on main deck;found NO.3 tank overflowed during bunkering to portside, stopped thebunkering operation. )

1522 Sounded the alarm of oil spillage andbroadcasted, Captain on bridge. 

1524 Crew mustered on main deck with tools, walledup the discharge hole on main deck, prepared the lifeboat.

1526 The pipe was broken, repaired. No oilout the shipboard, cleaned up and removed leakage oil on main deck, fastenedthe lifeboat.

1532 The pipe had been repaired, (resumed bunkering).Reviewed

1535 Dismissedthe alarm, finished the drill.




1500 釋放棄船演習警報,并全船廣播,掛AC旗。

1502 全體人員攜相關物品集合于左右艇甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,開啟應急照明正常,各自按職行動。

1504 做好放艇準備工作,啟動艇機正倒車正常。

1506 人員到齊,點名查職,檢查著裝正常,各項棄船工作準備就緒,放艇。

1508 兩艇放至艇甲板停,試驗剎車正常。

1510 兩艇絞起,固定。


1516 右艇固定妥,屬具歸位?,F(xiàn)場講評。



1430 Sounded thealarm of abandon ship and broadcasted, Captain on bridge.

1432 All crewmustered on the boat-deck in lifejackets with tools, got ready the lifeboat, Testedemergency lights and communication system normal.

1434 Callingnormal, Crew commenced to get into the lifeboat.

1436 All crew gotinto the lifeboat, tested boat engine 、rudder and SART normal, launched the boat on water and manoeuvred it.( Simulated to launch the lifeboat.)

1449 Raised the boatand fastened it, crew left the lifeboat.

1452 Checked thelifeboat normal, reviewed.

1454 Dismissedthe alarm, finished the drill.



1605.Sunded thealarm and broadcasted.Capt on the bridge.

1607.All crewmembers mustered at boat deck with life jackets and immersion suits.checkedcommunication equipments normal.switched on emergence lights.got ready bothboats.

1608.Both boatswere ready for launch.calling and checked life jackets normal.

1610.Abandon shipready completed.make ready for abandon ship.launched No.1 boat.

1611.Launched No.2boat.No.1 boat lanched to boat deck.

1612.No.2 boatlaunch to boat deck.

1614.No.1&No.2boat recovered.

1618.No.1 lifeboatfasted.

1619.No.2 lifeboatfasted reviewed.

1621.Dismissed thealarm.finish the drill.


Lifeboat launched out water operationtraining &hooks off

0830 釋放棄船演習警報,并全船廣播。

0832 全體人員攜相關物品集合于左右艇甲板,檢查通訊設備正常,開啟應急照明正常,各自按職行動。

0834 做好放艇準備工作,啟動艇機正倒車正常。

0836 人員到齊,點名查職,檢查著裝正常,各項棄船工作準備就緒,登艇人員登艇,放艇。

0838 雙艇放至水面,脫鉤正常,進行水面操縱。

0850 左艇駛回大船,掛鉤正常,絞起。

0853 右艇駛回大船,掛鉤正常,絞起。

0856 左艇收到位,固定妥,屬具歸位。



1230 life boat drill alarmed.

1232 All crew mustered on both side lifeboat deck. NO.1&2 boats ready to launch.

1235 NO.1&2 boat on water. Hooks offand let go painter, sailing away.

1310 checked both side rescue ladder andemergency lights found ok .

1320 NO.1&2 boat refitted and lashing. Checked andtested emergency apparatus found ok.

1330 Dismissed thealarm, Finish the drill.



Recovery of persons from thewater

1435 釋放營救落水人員警報,并全船廣播左舷有人落水,拋救生圈,向左滿舵,船長上駕駛臺。

1437 全體人員攜相關物品集合于右救生甲板,做好救生艇的釋放準備工作,備車航行,使用威廉遜旋回法駛往人員落水地點。保持通信暢通,檢查營救設備和個人保護裝備。開啟應急照明正常。

1439 救生艇放艇工作準備完畢,啟動救生艇正倒車正常,試驗剎車正常,人員登艇。

1445 駛回落水地點,發(fā)現(xiàn)落水人員,自上風側接近,放艇。

1450 救回落水人員。


1456 艇收妥,屬具歸位,現(xiàn)場講評。


1435 Sounded thealarm of man overboard and broadcast that there was somebody overboard onstarboard, let go a lifebuoy, hard port,Captain on bridge, Inform E/R to standby engine.

1437 All crew mustered on the starboardA-deck with tools, prepared the rescue boat, tested emergency lights andcommunication system normal, Made ship to Williamson turning,  Commenced to search the man overboard, checkedrescue equipments and personal effects.

1439 The rescue boat ready, tested therelease equipment normal, men on board.

1445 Found the overboard man, Made lee sidefor him, Lowered the rescue boat on water.

1450 Succeed in picking the manup on rescue boat.

1453 Recovered the rescue boat in positionand fixed it. The man has been treated by doctor, reported to the company andother party.


1500Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Emergency steering gear training

1630 釋放應急警報,并全船廣播舵機故障。

1632 全體人員集合于指定地點,甲板人員改操應急舵,機艙人員搶修操舵控制系統(tǒng)裝置。大副、木匠了頭,試驗通訊設備正常。向周圍船舶及港口通報情況,與公司保持聯(lián)系,做好應急準備。

1634 雙錨備妥,操應急舵正常,向公司報告故障現(xiàn)象,得到岸基支持。

1645 操舵控制系統(tǒng)裝置修復,恢復正常航行。

1649 講解應急舵操作轉換規(guī)程及注意事項,現(xiàn)場講評。


1630 Sounded the emergency alarm andbroadcasted that the steering gear was abnormal, Captain on bridge.

1632 All crew mustered in position accordingto the muster list. C/O and carpenter lookout forward, tested communicationsystem normal, changed and operated emergency steering gear system on spot, broadcastedthe question on VHF, kept contacting the company, repaired the steering gear.

1634 Both anchor ready, emergency steering gear system normal, got the help from thecompany.  

1645 The steering gear has beenrepaired, resumed sailing.

1649 Familiarwith the changed procedures of the emergency steering gear one by one, reviewed.

1652 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.



Collision/Ship’s hull damage

1555 釋放緊急警報,并全船廣播與他船發(fā)生碰撞,并懸掛信號。

1557 全體人員按職責行動,試驗通訊設備正常,機艙備車,與公司聯(lián)系,抄收氣象信息。測量各油水艙柜及污水井,做好堵漏準備。

1600 檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)首間艙水線附近破損進水,減速航行,進行堵漏,排水。計算破艙穩(wěn)性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司匯報。


1620 解除警報,演習結束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm andbroadcasted that our ship was collision with other ship, Captain on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingencyplan, noticed the emergency message on VHF, tested the communication systemnormal, S/B main engine,connectedwith the company, received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks and wells,got ready to wall up any dilapidation.

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the holewas near the water line, reduce speed, discharged the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water wasreduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumedsailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Ship’ hull crack drill

1555 釋放緊急警報,全船廣播我輪船殼破裂,并懸掛信號。

1557 全體人員按職責行動,試驗通訊設備正常,機艙備車,與公司聯(lián)系,抄收氣象信息。測量各油水艙柜及污水井,做好堵漏準備。

1600 檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)首間艙水線附近破損進水,減速航行,進行堵漏,排水。計算破艙穩(wěn)性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司匯報。


1620 解除警報,演習結束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm andbroadcasted that our ship’s hull was cracked, Captain on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingencyplan, noticed the emergency message on VHF, tested the communication systemnormal, S/B main engine,connectedwith the company, received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks andwells, got ready to wall up any dilapidation.

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the holewas near the water line, reduce speed, discharged the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water wasreduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumedsailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.





1552 全體人員集合于餐廳,調整航向,航速,及時定位,發(fā)布警告,抄收氣象信息,測風向、風速及氣壓氣溫,與公司保持聯(lián)系。

1555 檢查固定物料間易動物品及備件,檢查各水密部位,查看甲板物品及貨物是否移動,備車航行,巡視主機等設備,拉扶手繩,做好安全保障。

1610 各項工作順利完成,未發(fā)現(xiàn)異常情況,加強巡視。

1615 惡劣氣候過去,恢復正常航行。

1620 現(xiàn)場講評,演習結束。

1550 Sounded the emergency alarm andbroadcasted that bad weather was coming, Captain on bridge.

1552 All crew took action according to the contingencyplan, noticed the warning message on VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, testedthe communication system normal, S/B main engine,adjusted the ship’s speed and course, kept with the company,received weather messages, measured wind’s course、speed and air pressure.

1555 Checked and fastened all goods andspare parts, checked all watertight parts in good condition, checked the cargono shifting, protected the main engine etc. in good condition, fixed the hangrope on main deck, took safety measures.

1610 All work completed, all in goodcondition, strengthened around.

1615 Badweather gone, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.



Anti-piracy/terrorism activities drill

1430 釋放保安警報,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)并全船廣播有可疑小船駛近。

1432 全體人員攜帶自衛(wèi)武器集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況,啟動消防泵,開探照燈,與公司及附近的保安當局、軍艦聯(lián)系,保持通信暢通,按職行動,備車,絞起舷梯。

1434 皮龍出水,驅趕海盜,制造聲響,防止海盜從錨鏈攀上。

1440 阻止海盜成功,小船離去。

1445 小船遠離,無再次襲擾企圖,向公司及相關各方匯報,現(xiàn)場講評。

1450 解除警報,演習結束。

1510 Sounded thealarm of piracy and broadcast there was a little boat proceeding to my vessel, startedthe SSAS, Captain on bridge.

1512 Crew mustered onmain deck with tools. SSO counted and informed the event, Started the fire pumpand project lights. Contacted the company and appropriate Authority, actedaccording with the contingency plan.

1514 The watersprayed out, prevented the piracy on board, made noises by whistles, took theproper measure to leave away the boat.

1522 Theprevention was success. The boat left.

1524 Reportedto the company and appropriate authority, resumed sailing,Reviewed

1527 Dismissedthe alarm, finished the drill.  



Crew’s wound, sickness and die

1510 釋放應急警報,并全船廣播有人員受傷。

1512 全體人員集合于左主甲板,經(jīng)查發(fā)現(xiàn)一人因滑跌受傷,傷情嚴重,立即組織搶救,制定治療方案,向公司匯報。

1520 公司指示治療方法,船上聯(lián)系附近港口,請求岸上治療。

1530 附近港口派直升機到船,傷員送上直升機,送往附近港口治療,向公司匯報。

1533 現(xiàn)場講評。


1510 Sounded the emergency alarm andbroadcast a crew has wounded seriously, Captain on bridge.

1512 Crew mustered on port side main deck, acrew has wounded for slip, made the medical scheme, saved by doctorimmediately, reported to the ship owner.

1520 Save the wounded person according tothe company’s instruction, connected with a nearest port, asked for medicalassistance.

1530 The helicopter arrived andcarried away the wounded person to the nearest port.

1533Reported the company, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1535Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.




1550 釋放應急警報,并全船廣播可能有毒品被藏于船上。

1552 全體人員集合于左主甲板,點名查職正常,按職行動。

1600 報告發(fā)現(xiàn)一可疑物品在前尖艙內(nèi),保護現(xiàn)場,向公司匯報,全船徹查。

1610 未再發(fā)現(xiàn)其他物品,向COS和PFSO報告,按指示行動。

1613 現(xiàn)場講評。


1600 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that there might be drugon our ship(there may be a stowaway on board), Captain on bridge.

1602 All crew mustered on port side main deck, everyonetook action according to the contingency plan.

1610 Someone reported that doubtful thing was found in NO.4 crane, protectedthe spot, reported to the company and went through all parts of the ship.

1615 Nothing was found again, reported to COSand PFSO, the distrustful thing was disposed according to the order of COS andPFSO.

1620 Resumed sailing, reviewed.

1622Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.



Theship’s position can’t be transmitted


1512 根據(jù)應變部署,所有船員按職責行動,與其他船舶或岸站聯(lián)系,轉發(fā)我輪船位。駕駛臺加強瞭望,保持報房值守,檢修通信系統(tǒng)。

1517 通過附近船舶轉發(fā)我輪情況給公司,請求岸基支持。

1526 通信系統(tǒng)修復,成功聯(lián)系公司,報告。

1532 恢復航行,講評。

1535 解除警報,結束演習。

1510 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast that the ship’s position couldn’t betransmitted to the owner, Capt. on the bridge.

1512 All crew tookaction according to the contingency plan, connected with nearest ship or SES for help, kept lookout on the bridge, kept watch atthe radio room, checked and repaired communication system.  

1517 Send the question and require to thecompany through by other ship.

1526 The communication system has beenrepaired, connected with the company successful, reported.

1532 Resumedsailing, reviewed.

1535 Dismissed the alarm, Finish thedrill.




1700 船長廣播直升機即將到船(可懸掛D旗)。

1702 (大副攜帶對講器現(xiàn)場指揮站于上風舷,二副駕駛臺協(xié)助船長工作,負責對外聯(lián)絡;三副現(xiàn)場指揮接替人員,負責消防器材;)所有人員按照各自職責行動,準備救助艇,相關的消防器材到位,接妥一根皮龍,另一根皮龍連于泡沫槍上,啟動消防泵,穿防火服,機艙做好應急準備。

1704 皮龍出水,消防員著裝完畢,控制船速,與直升機協(xié)調。

1710 直升機降落,引水員下機,駕駛員接引水。

1713 引水員抵達生活區(qū),直升機離船。

1715 現(xiàn)場講評,演習結束。

1500 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasthelicopter/ship operation drill, Capt. on the bridge.

1502 All crew with tools and portableextinguishers took action according to the contingency plan. Prepare thelifeboat and the hoses. Start the emergency pump. Two firemen started to put onoutfits. 

1504 Firemen and the lifeboat on standby. Controlthe ship’s speed. And contact with the helicopter.

1507 The helicopter landing,the pilot camedown.

1508 The helicopter left.


1512 Dismissed the alarm, completed the drill..      


Ship aground/rock drill

1540 值班人員報告,我輪擱淺,船長上駕駛臺。




1558 向公司報告,恢復航行。

1600 解除警報,演習結束。

1540 Duty officer reported that the ship wasaground.

1541 Captain on bridge, sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast.

1542 All crew took action according to the contingencyplan, hoisted the signal, noticed the warning message on VHF, fixed the ship’sposition in time, tested the communication system normal, S/B main engine,kept with the company and asked for theshore assistance, received weather messages, measured wind’s course、speed, sounded all of the tanks、wells、depth around the ship, got ready to wall up any dilapidation.

1548 Checked and found NO.1 port side was agroundand no dilapidation, waiting for the spring tide, reported the company.

1555 Spring tide reached, manoeuvred theship out of aground successful.

1557 Reported the ship owner, resumedsailing, reviewed.

1600 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.








1528 解除警報,演習結束。

1510 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast that the ship was out of control forthe power lost, Capt. on the bridge, startedthe emergency generator,hoistedthe signal.

1512 All crew tookaction according to the contingency plan, the emergency generator started, kept tested the communication system normal, noticed the warningmessage on VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, checked and repaired thepower supply.  

1517 Found the question and repaired it.

1522 The power supply has been repaired,stopped the emergency generator,reported the company.

1525 Resumedsailing, reviewed.

1527 Dismissed the alarm, Finish thedrill.



Navigating in thewar






1530 解除警報,演習結束。

1510 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted the ship was into war zone, Capt. onbridge.

1512 All crew tookaction according to the contingency plan, blackout, kept lookouton the bridge, kept watch at the radio room, kept the communication system normal, S/B M/E, received the warning andweather message, noticed the owner and charter.  

1516 Our ship was assaulted by a warship, broadcastedthe massage, contacted with the warship we only was a merchantman.

1522 The warship left, reported the company.

1528 Leftthe war zone r, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1530 Dismissed the alarm, finishedthe drill.



Emergency towing


1037 所有船員按職責行動,準備好拖帶設備及拖纜,向公司報告。


1045 簽好救助合同。

1050 開始拖帶,安排人員看守拖纜。



1035 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted our ship would be towing, Capt. onbridge.

1037 All crew took action according to the contingencyplan, S/B the tow lines and the equipments, noticed the owner and charter.

1040 Neared the towed ship, senttowing line by throwing apparatus and made fast.

1045 Subscribed salvationcontract.

1050 Commenced towing, lookedsharp out for towing line.

1100 Arrivedsafety area, dropped anchor, finished towing, reported the company, reviewed.

1105 Dismissedthe alarm, finished the drill.



Tampering with cargo, essentialship equipment or system or ship’s stores

1450 釋放保安警報,并全船廣播,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)。

1452 全體人員集合于右主甲板,點名,保安員介紹情況,各自按職行動,保持通訊暢通。

1500 報告發(fā)現(xiàn)錨機被損壞,向CSO和PFSO或當局報告,組織人員搶修,限制人員上下。

1506 錨機修復,恢復正常操作,遞交報告。



1435 Sentsecurity alarm . Sound thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge,

1437 All crew mustered onmain deck .SSO circulate security incident found someone want to tempering withcargo, essential ship equipment or system or ship’s stores, report to master.

1440 Masterorder to search thoroughly everywhere.

1445 SSO instruct deck andengine team to search according to contingency plan, keep close liaison withSSO.

1450 found 3 suspects inengine room, and control. Report to CAPT and PFSO. Repaired ship’s equipment.

1455 Coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1500 All clearSSO evaluate and review the drill. Alram for end of drill.


Use of the ship to carry thoseintending to cause a security incident and/or their equipment



1534 分組搜查各責任區(qū),清查貨物,物料及備件等。

1540 發(fā)現(xiàn)可疑備品,向公司及相關各方報告,徹查全船。

1547 未再發(fā)現(xiàn)其它物品,提交報告,保安報警復位。

1552 現(xiàn)場講評。

1600 解除警報,演習結束。

1510 Securityalarm activated. Sound thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge,

1512 All crewmustered on main deck .SSO circulate security incident found someone on boardwho will intending to cause a security incident, report to master.

1520 Master gaveorder to search thoroughly everywhere.

1522 SSOinstruct deck and engine team to search according to contingency plan, keepclose liaison with SSO.

1530 found 3suspects in paint room, and control. Report to CAPT& report to PFSO.

1532 Coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1535 All clearSSO evaluate and review the drill 



Use of the shipitself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction



1620 與相關各方聯(lián)系,采取措施使恐怖分子無法操縱船舶,拖延時間,尋求援助。

1627 控制恐怖分子,恢復正常航行。


1635 現(xiàn)場講評。

1638 解除警報,演習結束。

1500 Securityalarm activated. Sound thealarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge,

1502 All crewmustered on main deck .SSO circulate security incident found someone on boardwho will use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction。Report to master.

1510 Master gaveorder to search thoroughly everywhere.

1512 SSOinstruct deck and engine team to search according to contingency plan, Keep closeliaison with SSO.

1530 found 3suspects in paint room, and control. Report to CAPT& report to PFSO.

1535 Coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1540 All clearSSO evaluate and review the drill


Smuggling weapons or equipment, including weapons andmass destruction

1630 釋放保安警報,并全船廣播,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)。

1632 全體人員集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況。

1634 分組搜查各責任區(qū),清查貨物、物料、備件等。

1640 未發(fā)現(xiàn)可疑物品,向公司匯報。

1643 現(xiàn)場講評,保安報警復位。

1645 解除警報,演習結束。

1510 Sentsecurity alarm .

1512 All crewmustered on A-deck .SSO count and inform the event to crew, report to master.

1520 Master gaveorder to search thoroughly everywhere.

1522 4 gangsstart searching.

1530 Smuggling weapons found in NO.3 cargo hold.

1532 Report tomater and protect spot. Report to CSO and PFSO.

1535 coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1600 all clear.SSO evaluate and review the drill.



Damage to, ordestruction of the ship, e.g. by explosive device, arson, piracy, sabotage orvandalism

1510  釋放保安警報,并全船廣播,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)。

1512  全體人員集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況,有海盜船向我輪船首打火箭炮,啟動消防泵,各自按職行動。

1514  皮龍出水,躲避海盜襲擊,撲滅船首火勢,防止海盜登輪,尋求援助。

1520 海盜攻擊失敗,附近軍艦趕到,海盜離去。檢查全船未發(fā)現(xiàn)有其他損壞,向公司及相關各方報告。

1526 現(xiàn)場講評,保安報警復位。

1530 解除警報,演習結束。

1505 Sendsecurity alarm .

1510 All crewmustered on A-deck .SSO count and inform the event to crew, report to master.

1512 Master gaveorder to search thoroughly everywhere.

1515 4 gangsstart searching.

1520 One parcelsuspicious material found in paint room.

1522 Report tomater and protect spot. Report to CSO and PFSO.

1525 coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1530 all clear。SSO evaluate and reviewthe drill. alarm for end of drill.


Attacks whilst at sea


1547 全體人員攜自衛(wèi)武器,按職行動,站好各自的掩體,通報小船的位置及動向,用VHF聯(lián)系及報告,啟動消防泵,聯(lián)系附近的軍艦,尋求援助,向公司報告,開高壓電網(wǎng)。

1550 海盜船繼續(xù)靠近,關閉高壓電網(wǎng),開啟皮龍,驅趕海盜船。扔燃燒瓶,拋木板及大桶阻擋海盜。采取規(guī)避操縱,使海盜船無法靠近。

1558 有兩條小船開槍射擊,并靠近大船,企圖登輪。關掉消防泵,開啟高壓電網(wǎng),拋燃燒瓶,并用自衛(wèi)武器攻擊試圖登輪的海盜,噴射CO2滅火器。

1605 阻止海盜成功,小船全部離去。

1608 小船遠離,無再襲擾意圖,向公司及軍艦匯報,恢復正常航行?,F(xiàn)場講評,保安報警復位。

1610 解除警報,演習結束。

16252/O found suspicious speeding boat closing .he sound alarm. Noticed to themaster.

1627all crew mustered on aft deck with necessary sticks, connected two fire hoses.

1630High pressure of spray water were spout against the suspicious boat.

1655alarm continuously sound, all deck lights opened illuminated vicinity of theclear. Crews shouted loudly deterred attempt boat. Suspicious boat leave.

1700the SSO evaluated the drill and dismissed.



Unauthorized access or use, including presence of stowaways


1532 全體人員集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況。

1534 分組搜查各責任區(qū)。

1542 發(fā)現(xiàn)有可疑人員藏于NO3克令吊,控制該人員,對現(xiàn)場拍照。全船徹查,詢問潛入者。

1550 未再發(fā)現(xiàn)其他異常情況,向公司及相關各方匯報并遞交報告。

1553 保安報警復位,講評。

1555 解除警報,演習結束。

1400 Sendsecurity alarm.

1402 All crew mustered on maindeck. SSO circulated security incident found stowaways on board, reported toCapt.

1410 Capt.orderto search everywhere thoroughly.

1412 SSO instruct deck andengine team to search according to contingency plan, keep close liaison withSSO.

1420 found 3stowaways in paint room, and controled them. Reported to CAPT and PFSO.

1425 Coastguardon board to deal with the incident.

1430 All clear.SSO evaluates and review the drill.  Endof drill.



Hijacking orseizure of the ship or of persons on board

1610 釋放保安警報,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)并全船廣播。

1612 全體人員集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況,與公司及附近的保安當局、軍艦聯(lián)系,保持通信暢通,按職行動。

1616 與劫持者周旋,弄清人數(shù)、國籍、意圖等,切斷照明,停船,尋求援助。

1625 軍艦趕到,將5名恐怖分子驅趕離船,恢復正常工作。

1628 向公司及相關各方匯報,現(xiàn)場講評。

1630 解除警報,演習結束

1510 Securityalarm activated.

1512 All crewmustered on main deck .SSO circulate security incident found suspects on boardand hijacking a sailor, report to master.

1520 Masterreport to PFSO & company

1522 SSO orderedcontrol scene, keep close liaison with CAPT.

1530 SSOnegotiate with suspects.

1532 hostage wasreleased.

1535 coastguardon board deal with relate incident

1600 All clearSSO evaluate and review the drill



Attacks from seaward whilstat berth or at anchorage

1645 釋放保安警報,啟動保安報警系統(tǒng)并全船廣播。

1647 全體人員攜帶自衛(wèi)武器集合于左主甲板,點名介紹情況,啟動消防泵,開探照燈,與公司及附近的保安當局、軍艦聯(lián)系,保持通信暢通,按職行動,備車,絞起舷梯。

1650 皮龍出水,驅趕海盜,制造聲響,防止海盜從錨鏈攀上。

1656 阻止海盜成功,小船離去。

1702 小船遠離,無再次襲擾企圖,向公司及相關各方匯報,現(xiàn)場講評。

1705 解除警報,演習結束

1545 2/O foundsuspicious speeding boat closing .he sound alarm. Noticed to the master.

1547 all crewmustered on aft deck with necessary sticks, connected two fire hoses.

1550 Highpressure of spray water were spout against the suspicious boat.

1600 alarm continuouslysound, all deck lights opened illuminated vicinity of the clear. Crews shoutedloudly deterred attempt boat. Suspicious boat leave.

1620 the SSOevaluated the drill and dismissed.



1.     Muster rapidly/All crew muster station quickly/ Actionquickly.

2.     Lifejackets exactly.

3.     Take the measure well.

4.     Release the rescue boat and recover normal.

5.     Started theENG.Normal.

6.     Responsibility definitely.

7.     Everyone was familiar with their duty.

8.     Fireman got ready in time.

9.     The operation exactly.

10.  Be up to thedrill’s require.

11.  Shut the vale intime.

12.  Some-body shouldbe care of their position.

13.  The equipments ingood condition.

14.  Improve ourcleaning the spillage oil skills.

15.  Everyone knowstake task of himself.




1600 值班人員發(fā)現(xiàn)加油管漏油,關掉相關的油閥和泵,并立即報告,同時聯(lián)系AUTHORIZED PERSON,得到指示繼續(xù)演習。

1602 釋放溢油警報,并全船廣播,船長上駕駛臺。

1604 全體人員攜清油器材集合于左甲板,堵塞甲板泄水孔。

1606 經(jīng)查發(fā)現(xiàn)加油管破損破裂漏油,油量不多,未流入海,立即回收溢油,更換加油管。

1612 溢油回收完畢,用洗衣粉清潔甲板。

1617 現(xiàn)場講評,恢復正常加油作業(yè)。


1600 Duty person found the bunkering pipewas leaking, shut off relevant valves and the pump on main deck, reported toAuthorized person. THEAUTHORIZED PERSON ORDERED TO CONTINUE THE SPILLAGE EMERGENCY DRILL.

1602 Sounded the alarm of oil spillage andbroadcasted. 

1604 Crew mustered on main deck with tools,walled up the discharge hole on main deck..

1606 The pipe was broken, changed. No oilout the shipboard, removed leakage oil.

1612 Cleaned up main deck.

1617 The pipe had been changed, resumedbunkering. Reviewed

1620Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill. Report to Authorized person.



Authorized Person Notification Exercise

1.  Date Performed:          _______

2.  Vessel Name (initiating drill):  ________

       IMO number:  ________

       Panama Canal SIN:  _______

       Owner /Operador / Manager:  ___ 

3. Name of Person Notified:                                                                                                   


(Identified as Authorized Person in PCSOPEP)

4.  Time initiated:   ____

Time in which Authorized Person or designee responded: ______

5.   Method used to contact:

       Telephone No. (507) 306-9720/ 306-9721

       Mobile No.       (507) 6618 5178 

       Fax No.            (507)223 9821/ 9822

       Email:               onduty@coscopan.com

6.    Description of notification procedure: Master called Panama Canal “Authorized Person” and informed the on-call AuthorizedPerson representative that the vessel was holding a notification Drill inaccordance with the PCSOPEP.

Other Comments:_______________________________________


  1. Authorize Person Notification completed in accordance with the Plan.